Foi na Casa do
Basquetebol que a FIBA recebeu a ULEB (Union
od European Leagues of Basketball) e representantes das ligas
Belga, Francesa, Alemã, Greca, Israelita, Italiana, Lituana, Holandesa, Polaca,
Espanha, Turca, Liga Adriática, e VTB League que cobre 25 países, e onde foi
discutida a visão futura do basquetebol profissional. Portugal não esteve
presente como se pode constatar.
A FIBA quis ouvir as
opiniões dos diversos participantes acerca da reformulação do sistema
competitivo ao nível de clubes na Europa, quer ao nível do formato, processo de
qualificação, calendário da competição, benefícios comerciais, despensa dos
jogadores para as respetivas seleções nacionais, seguro desportivo ao serviço
das seleções nacionais.
Foi dada a conhecer aos
presentes os ambiciosos planos da FIBA no que diz respeito quanto ao futuro do
basquetebol na Europa que se considera longe do seu potencial. FIBA considera
que este crescimento só é possível com todos os interessados a trabalhar como
uma unidade, reconhecendo que é importante ter os mesmos objetivos, e partilhar
os mesmos valores.
A necessidade das competições
domésticas, competições europeias de clubes e seleções nacionais são vitais
para o desenvolvimento do basquetebol.
Estas são as conclusões
em inglês da press released emitida
pela FIBA
The attendees welcomed the following important and
historical measures to integrate clubs and leagues further within the FIBA
- European clubs and leagues representatives shall have dedicated seats as full voting members within the Board of FIBA Europe;
- FIBA Europe's Advisory Board to the new FIBA Europe Cup shall include representatives of clubs and ULEB;
- FIBA will establish a Professional Basketball Council (PBC) as an official body of FIBA. Among the terms of reference of this new body, as approved by the attendees, will be the promotion of unity among all professional basketball stakeholders as well as preserving the interests of clubs and leagues within FIBA;
- Representatives of FIBA Europe will be invited to attend ULEB's General Assemblies;
- ULEB shall appoint - in consultation with FIBA - a permanent representative to act as European national leagues liaison in order to facilitate a much closer cooperation between ULEB, its member leagues and FIBA. FIBA will provide ULEB with financial and administrative support for this person, who will coordinate ULEB's efforts with the competition departments of the European Regional Office and of the FIBA headquarters.
- European clubs and leagues representatives shall have dedicated seats as full voting members within the Board of FIBA Europe;
- FIBA Europe's Advisory Board to the new FIBA Europe Cup shall include representatives of clubs and ULEB;
- FIBA will establish a Professional Basketball Council (PBC) as an official body of FIBA. Among the terms of reference of this new body, as approved by the attendees, will be the promotion of unity among all professional basketball stakeholders as well as preserving the interests of clubs and leagues within FIBA;
- Representatives of FIBA Europe will be invited to attend ULEB's General Assemblies;
- ULEB shall appoint - in consultation with FIBA - a permanent representative to act as European national leagues liaison in order to facilitate a much closer cooperation between ULEB, its member leagues and FIBA. FIBA will provide ULEB with financial and administrative support for this person, who will coordinate ULEB's efforts with the competition departments of the European Regional Office and of the FIBA headquarters.
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